Wisdom of Crowds

So, we will be downsizing soon (more on that later) and that has me going through my baking cupboards. This is what I own now:

Baking inventory
Square/Rectangular Pans
Roasting Pan (no roasting rack)
15”x10”x2” Pyrex dish
TWO 9”x13”x2” (3qt) Anchor Hocking
9”x13” (ugly, beat up) metal
8”x8” (ugly, beat up) metal
9.25”x5.25”x2.75” Wilton, dark, non-stick loaf pan
Pair of large, light color, aluminum loaf pans
Small metal loaf pan
Small (ugly, stained) rimmed cookie pan
Large (stained) unrimmed cookie sheet
Metal, Rectangular, specialty pan w/4 mini loaves (4.5”x2.5” each mini loaf)

Round Dishes
9” Springform Pan
Bundt Pan
ONE! 9” metal Cake pan
Three 9” metal pie pans
9” deep, anchor hocking pie dish
8.25”, 3qt Anchor hocking casserole dish with lid—this one has straighter sides, and shows more signs of use (layers of non-stick spray creating a light tan on the handles)
2qt Anchor Hocking casserole dish with lid–more sloped sides, though a larger diameter; looks to be less well used.
3qt Pyrex casserole dish, straight sides, comes with a plastic lid (with a vent) and an insulated carrying case—also in good shape.
Two full sized muffin pans and two mini muffin pans (all four are for 12 muffins and are made of silicone)
And, lastly, a round cookie/pizza pan with a lip

I’m thinking I’ll keep the: Springform Pan, Bundt Pan, 10×15 glass, only one of the 9×13 glass, 8×8 metal, all four loaf pans, large rectangular cookie sheet and the circular cookie/pizza pan, the roasting pan, the glass pie dish, the 3qt Pyrex w/ the plastic lid &carrying case, and the silicone muffin pans.
I’ll Donate: the other 9×13 glass pan, the 9″ cake pan, and the 3 metal pie pans

Debating: the specialty mini-loaf pan, a second round casserole pan (if so which one?), the 9×13 metal dish in addition to the glass dish?

To Purchase: a rimmed cookie sheet, aka a jelly roll pan. I used to own one and I can’t remember what happened to it. In any case I miss it at least once a month or so and need to replace it soon.

The fewer pans I have in my cupboards, the more room I’ll have for food. However, if I get rid of too much I won’t be able to prepare a wide variety of healthy foods. I’m trying to achieve the most provident balance. Of course, the consequences of error aren’t extremely severe. If I don’t donate enough, I can always get rid of more later. My main cost in that direction is time and effort packing, as well as extra boxes. On the other hand, none of these pans is incredibly expensive. If I find I miss something desperately it won’t be TOO much trouble to get another one. However, I would like to get it right the first time. What do you think?


Wisdom of Crowds — 1 Comment

  1. I recently donated several kitchen items that we weren’t using so I will try to remember what we did. I kept a jelly roll pan, cookie sheet, 2 9×13, an 8×8, 2 mini muffin pans, 2 loaf pans, and a Dutch oven. I never make cakes (well, if I do I just make them in a 9×13 pan) or pies so I didn’t need those and I haven’t missed anything else that we got rid of.

    I don’t know how helpful that was but I am interested to hear about the downsizing. When is this happening?

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