silly AJ tricks


Yep, that’s right. AJ prefers to drink his bottle upside down! He’s happiest on his back, but if I hand him his bottle while he’s still in his Bumpo this is what happens. He takes two sips, comes back up (to avoid too much head rush I suppose) pauses for a moment, then bends back again. Strangely enough, he’s getting better at drinking (without toppling over) while sitting up on the floor. He’ll still do this in the bumpo though.

We saw the doctor on Tuesday for a routine check-up, no shots this time. The vital statistics: AJ is 27.75″” and 18lbs 2oz. He’s grown 3/4 of an inch and about 2 pound in the last 3 months. Everything else is good.

AJ is also trying hard to keep up with his (younger) cousin Harper. So after the doctor’s appointment we went to get a jumper. We got one that goes in the door way though. <%image(20080912-004a.jpg|336|448|null)%> He’s neutural on the subject. He uses his feet to twist to left and right, and smiles at me in the kitchen.

I saved the best for last though, AJ has mostly figured out crawling! He has a blue ball he likes and occasionally it gets away from him. This has forced him to figure out some form of locomotion. His technique is very low to the ground using elbow and knees to push along. This is actually a picture of him in motion, in the far right of the frame is the tiniest spot of blue, because he is going after his ball. <%image(20080912-010a.jpg|448|269|null)%>


And one more of the upside down baby!!


Despite any upside down things that may come your way, we hope you have a successful day!”

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