Physical Fitness Merit Badge

Weeks to the Half: 13
Weight: 295
Longest Distance Run: 5 miles
This week my Scouts decided that they wanted to begin working on their Physical Fitness Merit Badge. Being the leader I try to be I told my Scouts that I would do this merit badge along with them. Big mistake, I earned this Merit Badge 20 years ago. I am sure when I did it I did admirably. I remember winning two ribbons for the amount of sit-ups and push-ups I could do. Times have changed and I am no longer so glorious in my physical fitness endeavors. Injury came when I found myself behind all my Scouts in the rankings. Insult came when they were done they went on to play a game of dodge ball and I sat in a corner feeling all my muscles really sore. Oh to be that age again.
In other news progression on the running front has been slow. I am basically going off the premise that something is better than nothing. I am beginning to feel Mother Nature is against me in that the weather has been really nice on my workdays but horrible on my days off. I’d write a letter, but I know I wouldn’t be able to afford the postage. Despite the weather I was able to do a long (long for me) run on Saturday. When I set out in the morning the weather was pleasant. So much so that I headed out in shorts and a t-shirt. By the time I got to Camp Switzerland (the far side of Lake Gregory) I noticed that these really big dark clouds were rolling in. The temperature dropped rapidly. There is nothing like the impending doom of a snow storm to get you moving faster. At this point I was already more than half way on my scheduled run, so there was nothing left to do other than increase my pace and get home as fast as I could. Needless to say that my time on this run was really good (for me anyway).

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