Interesting Phone Calls

I work for a police department. I like working for a police department. In general it is a rewarding experience. I wear a uniform but I am not a police officer. I wish I could be as cool as a police officer, but at 270 pounds that is not happening anytime soon. Still, I have a very good job. I get to supervise several sections in the Records department. I am good at what I do. For the most part I keep my cool, help people with the information they need, and they are soon on their way.
You see, no one ever wants to really go to a police department. Think about it. Why do people go to the police department?? See what I mean? It isn’t like someone (as least a sane person) wakes up in the morning and says “gee whiz, I think I want to get some stuff stolen today so I can stand in line and make a police report!” Don’t worry when you walk into a police station the front counter people know what you are thinking. All I can say is just hold on, we promise to get you on your way as soon as possible.
A lot of times people don’t come in or even call us. Sometimes we call you. In fact today I had to the opportunity to call one of my fellow citizens. In this particular situation I was calling this lady to tell her that she had contacted our department, but she really needed to call a different department. So I get on the phone and the phone conversation goes something like this:
Me: Well you need to call X department. Can I give you the phone number.
Her: Oh, well I don’t have a pen can you wait?
Me: Sure
(So I proceed to wait on the line while this lady I assumes gets a pen, but I can still hear her on the phone)
Her: (speaking to someone in the background)Yeah, and so I guess I filled out that dang report wrong because this dumb police officer just called me and now I am on hold with the police department.
Me: Um, mam, your not on hold.
Her: I am not on hold?
Me: No, can I give you that number now?
Her: Uh, yes…
Me: (gives her the number)
Her: Thank you, sorry (very abrupt hang-up)

She probably thought I was really mad at her, but the truth is as soon as I hung up with her I started laughing so hard that my fellow employees started to wonder what was wrong with me. Like I said, we know what you feel. Just go with the flow and we promise we will get you out of there as soon as possible.

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