He Is Risen: Celebrating Easter

Never can go wrong with a picture with a person in a huge bunny suit.

Like most holidays in the USA, there is a religious side to the holiday and a marketing side to the holiday. I guess living in a capitalist nation such I do it is bound to happen. Unfortunately, most holidays in the USA have (in my opinion) gone too much to the marketing side.

Luckily with Easter the marketing has gone so overboard that the marketing part has been pushed to a different day than the holiday. Easter is always celebrated on Sunday but with all the egg coloring, bunny festivals, chocolates, and eventually egg hunting there is no time for the marketing gimmicks on Sunday. So what happens is that it all gets played out on Saturday.

Which I think is great because I have no idea what bunny rabbits and colored eggs have to do with Easter, but if someone wants to have a party with them on the Saturday before Easter it doesn’t bother me.

So with that we spent our Saturday afternoon downtown doing all sorts of crazy things with peeps, gathered lots of chocolate, and even got a balloon penguin. Hey, if a egg laying bunny can magically appear, why not a penguin too?!!

Sunday, however is a totally different matter. Sunday is the day, there are lots of religious holidays, but this is THE DAY. There are many important religious aspects to my life but I can think of none more powerful than what Jesus Christ has done for me and all of humanity. I have read a lot, but I do not claim to begin to know what exactly what the atonement means for me in my life. I do know that he has risen and that because he did I have a chance. I just need to find a way to accept the gift.

But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. John 20:31


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