AJ Goes to Kindergarten

AJ shows off his new backpack.

AJ shows off his new backpack.

This has been a busy Summer! So much to do, so little time. Time does however pass and things are always changing at the Pedroza household. Probably the biggest thing for us is AJ went to Kindergarten last week. It is hard to say who was more excited for school, AJ or Denise. I (John) was personally a bit worried for AJ, but since I was not willing to home school, it was off to public school for AJ.

AJ is now officially enrolled at Madison Elementary school. Judging by the corkboard ceiling tiles that I saw on orientation day I am guessing this school was built just after World War II. AJ’s new teacher is named Mrs. Martinez and despite the hispanic sounding name she doesn’t speak hardly any Spanish.

So far AJ has been doing ok at school. He had no problem intergrating himself into class and is not shy at all at making new friends. He already knows most of the material he needs to learn for kingergarten. His main struggles seem to be in the regards of displine. There is this big board at the front of the classroom where he can go from green (good), to yellow (warning), to orange (5 min detention), to red (note to parent). He hasn’t gotten a red yet, but he does spend a lot of time on yellow and orange. We are working on the disipline part with him and he is slowly getting better. He just has a hard time keeping his opinions to himself sometimes. The good thing is AJ does have his heart in the right place and he means to do well. Luckily, he still has the whole year to figure it out.

AJ made it through the first day!

AJ made it through the first day!

Typical AJ.

Typical AJ.

A small video of AJ showing off his backpack:


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