AJ and the Bananas.

“Here is the photo:
<%image(20090525-AJsBanana.jpg|195|231|Sorry for the messy bed.)%>
Here is the story…
As a dutiful father I try to help my son in any way I possibly can. Unfortunately, my son is only one and a half years old and therefore we often have communication problems. It is not uncommon at our house to find a crying AJ throwing a fit, while I frantically try to find out what will make him stop crying. While Denise was out visiting teaching AJ and I were playing and all the sudden he had one of his episodes. AJ doesn’t have many needs and I knew he didn’t need a diaper change and he had just gotten up from his nap so he wasn’t tired. So knowing that he was hungry I presented various options to him: milk, juice, potato chips (yeah I know it is bad for him, but he was CRYING), etc. The list went on and on, and every time I get up to go to the kitchen he gets madder when I come back with the obviously wrong item. Finally, AJ gets up and leaves the room. He wasn’t crying anymore so I didn’t care, I go to my room and resume goofing around on my laptop. Unbeknownst to me AJ had gone into the kitchen himself. A few seconds later AJ comes into my room with a bunch of bananas, puts them in my lap, climbs on the bed and points to them. So I peeled him a banana and he was happy as can be, talk about communication!”

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